
Call of duty modern warfare 2 ps3
Call of duty modern warfare 2 ps3

call of duty modern warfare 2 ps3

Another mission will have you fighting through the city after an EMP blast. On one mission, you'll find yourself in control of the gunner station in a helicopter.

call of duty modern warfare 2 ps3

At certain points, the game will deviate from its normal run-and-gun style of gameplay. This gameplay mechanic allows gamers to play more aggressively, similar to an action movie. Like other first-person games of this era, your health regenerates if you remain in cover. You'll wield everything from pistols to rocket launchers in this title. As a first-person shooter, you'll use an array of weaponry to take down your foes. However, the action will always remain the same no matter who you play as. Like past Call of Duty games, the story will switch between characters at specific points in the game. It had a global release date of Novemfor the Xbox 360 console.The campaign primarily follows the United States Army Rangers in their mission to stop a Russian terrorist. MW2 was developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision.

call of duty modern warfare 2 ps3

However, this level is optional, and players can choose to skip it. At one point in the game, players will even take on the role of a terrorist. Modern Warfare 2 was praised for its realistic look at terrorism. The story once again follows Captain Soap MacTavish as he seeks to protect the United States from terrorist forces. It picks up five years after the events of the first Modern Warfare title. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the second title in the Modern Warfare trilogy.

Call of duty modern warfare 2 ps3